News & Updates
Pros and Cons of T8 LED REPLACEMENTS
A couple weeks ago we shared a video showing how a T8 LED replacement bulb can catch fire if it is incorrectly installed. Because we have committed to being a vendor neutral company we thought a good approach to understanding this technology, and to help guide your decision making, would be to provide the perspective from many different angles, […]
April 23, 2016Pre-Paid Recycling Program
TRC is stepping up our services with RecyclePak®, an easy, pre-paid recycling solution for small quantities of Universal Waste, such as fluorescent lamps, batteries, ballasts, batteries, and mercury waste. Simply select the container for your waste type, and it is delivered to you. With one payment you receive a shipping container, mailing label, on-site pickup, recycling […]
April 23, 2016Retrofit Case Study: Interior and Exterior Lighting Upgrades
This church and school decided it was time to update the look of their facility and invest in energy-efficiency by implementing this full facility lighting upgrade and retrofit. The areas addressed in this project ranged from office and classrooms, to a gymnasium/auditorium, and a sanctuary space that required a dynamic lighting control system.
March 23, 2016Hazards of LED T8 Lamps
We believe that a lighting system should be functional and efficient. This is the obvious and most intended goal for retrofit projects we do, and we know many options are available. Knowing you have so many choices, we always share the future risks and maintenance scenarios to help our clients make informed decisions for the best long […]
March 23, 2016Auto Sales Lot LED Lighting Retrofit
Many lighting projects focus on the inside of a facility, but there are many businesses that require high-quality, energy-efficient lighting for their exteriors. Auto sales lots are a great example of a business that needs exceptional exterior lighting. Their “sales floor” is the entire parking lot.
March 23, 2016VIDEO of LED Motion Sensor Test in Warehouse
This space was redesigned to include energy-efficient LED fixtures on a system of motion sensors that control the on/off of fixtures as people and equipment, like the forklift seen in the video, move through the spaces. Take a look to see the both the rapid movement and slow movement tests.
February 23, 2016Instant 400 watt reduction with LED retrofit
This recent lighting retrofit case study comes from a larger project completed by The Retrofit Companies. We thought this was not only a visually impactful set of before & after photos, but energy use was reduced over 400 watts for each fixture replaced!
January 23, 2016Case Study: Test Fixtures & Exterior Lighting
For this exterior lighting project, the client is a company with facilities located nationwide. Their savings goals take into consideration the entire network of facilities, but we can see in this single project area how much of an impact that an HID to LED retrofit can make, visually and in energy savings.
January 23, 2016Interview: Safely Managing Hazardous Waste in Schools
Today we’re sharing a short interview with a small school district that came up against a confusing, and potentially dangerous set of chemicals in their science labs that needed to go. The chemicals had eclipsed their classroom usefulness, and while they had been sitting idly on a shelf for some time the threat of their presence was real.
November 23, 2015Lighting Redesign Using LED Technology
A lot of the time, we judge lighting projects on the very dramatic before and after photos we see. That’s certainly a very interesting and immediate way to judge success of a project, does it look better afterward? Well, not all projects look dramatically different before and after, even in the case of this lighting redesign. However, the results for this project are dramatic and easily measured.
October 23, 2015