Recycling Minnesota (4 posts)

Battery Recycling – What Happens To Old Batteries? (Detailed Guide)
Brett Weber, Environmental Sales Rep for Retrofit Environmental in the Twin Cities, MN, provides hazardous & regulated waste recycling tips
September 17, 2021
Hazardous Waste Recycling Tips – Brett Weber (Video)
Brett Weber, Environmental Sales Rep for Retrofit Environmental in the Twin Cities, MN, provides hazardous & regulated waste recycling tips
June 14, 2021
Battery Containing Devices – A Recycling Challenge
Battery Containing Devices (BCDs) are a growing concern to e-scrap recyclers. Huge volumes of electronics with imbedded rechargeable batteries create massive risks and challenges for e-scrap recyclers. Better processes need to be created to ensure these devices are being properly processed and do not end up in landfills.
March 19, 2021
Contaminated Wipes or PPE Disposal During COVID-19
Medical waste disposal for facility decontamination, regulated medical biohazard waste solids, PPE, masks, gloves, and other waste associated with the cleaning and sanitation of your work space during this COVID-19 pandemic. The Retrofit Companies, Inc. located in St. Paul, Owatonna, Minneapolis Minnesota is an LED Lighting Designer and Recycling Service for Industrial, Commercial and other Businesses in the Midwest and nationwide.
April 27, 2020