Parking Ramp Lighting Retrofit (4 posts)
Parking Garage LED Lighting Retrofit Case Study
This parking garage lighting project’s dramatic improvement in lighting came along with $23,634 in utility rebate incentives, plus a Green Business Cost Sharing program from the city of Minneapolis when this client upgraded the aging, inefficient high pressure sodium lighting.
December 23, 2016Interview with Trent Lowe: Allied Parking LED Retrofit
Recently, we shared a new case study about an LED retrofit project recently completed at Allied Parking’s Gateway ramp located downtown Minneapolis. This facility is unique because the first floor is a layover terminal for MTC buses. Keep reading to find out why Trent felt that working with TRC was different than working with other contractors.
December 23, 2016Safety & Savings: Parking Ramp Lighting Retrofits
There really should be a funnier punch line to the joke, “how many lighting contractors does it take to change a light bulb?” – But in all honesty, every single lighting contractor you talk to will likely have a different answer for how to save energy and reduce your overhead.
April 23, 2013Parking Ramp Lighting Retrofit Case Study
This client qualified for more than$23,000 in utility rebate incentive when they upgraded. They now have better light quality in their facility, increased safety for their patrons, and they are saving money and resources at the same time!
April 23, 2013