Battery Recycling (9 posts)

Battery Recycling – What Happens To Old Batteries? (Detailed Guide)
Brett Weber, Environmental Sales Rep for Retrofit Environmental in the Twin Cities, MN, provides hazardous & regulated waste recycling tips
September 17, 2021
Hazardous Waste Recycling Tips – Brett Weber (Video)
Brett Weber, Environmental Sales Rep for Retrofit Environmental in the Twin Cities, MN, provides hazardous & regulated waste recycling tips
June 14, 2021
Battery Containing Devices – A Recycling Challenge
Battery Containing Devices (BCDs) are a growing concern to e-scrap recyclers. Huge volumes of electronics with imbedded rechargeable batteries create massive risks and challenges for e-scrap recyclers. Better processes need to be created to ensure these devices are being properly processed and do not end up in landfills.
March 19, 2021
Part 2: It’s Just…Drano
A Guide to Common Products with Uncommon Properties By: Nick Dryden Part 2: It’s Just…Drano This is part 2 of our It’s Just… series on common products we see in industry. In this series we will be focusing on the chemicals found in these products, where you might find them in your facility, and […]
July 15, 2019
How to Package Batteries for Shipment
Steve Jacobs, Environmental Services Director for The Retrofit Companies, Inc., shares tips on how to follow proper packaging guidelines for common battery types, including alkaline, lithium, lead acid and nickel cadmium.
June 19, 2019
Lithium Batteries Are a Fire Hazard
If the batteries have a flaw, are damaged, overcharged, packed too closely together or are exposed to high temperatures they can overheat. This can be a very dangerous situation where uncontrolled positive feedback can cause other nearby batteries to overheat, triggering a domino effect of what is known as “thermal runaway.”
December 23, 2018
Shedding some light on led lamp recycling requirements
It is undisputed that LED lamps have become the leading lighting technology, offering the benefits of energy savings, longevity and quality of light. With the rise of their popularity, several of our customers have inquired as to the regulations regarding their proper disposal and recycling.
October 23, 2017Recharging your Knowledge of Recycling Batteries
Since the mid-1990’s TRC has gained expertise in the safe transportation of wastes ranging from toxic gases to Mercury containing lamps. Our recycling trucks have transported everything from old light bulbs to lead paint. This expertise and knowledge of waste handling and disposal regulations have helped our clients simplify the disposal and recycling process for all types of Universal and Hazardous waste.
August 23, 2016MUST HAVE: Hazardous Waste Recycling Resource Guide
We’ve compiled this helpful Hazardous Waste Recycling Resource Guide as a way to keep some important reference information at hand when you are looking to learn more about hazardous waste disposal in Minnesota.
May 23, 2013