Mike Kuempel Employee Spotlight (Video)
Published April 2021
Check out the latest in our Employee Spotlight series, shining a light on our TRC family. Beyond their expertise, our team brings a unique mix of backgrounds, hobbies and special skills to the table. Check it out!
Mike Kuempel

Name and title
Mike Kuempel, Driver for Retrofit Environmental
What does a day in the life of a driver at TRC look like?
I pick up all sorts of electronics, light bulbs, ballasts, batteries, hazardous waste. Anything a business needs to dispose of that requires a manifest, EPA # etc. We cover an 8 state region, mostly to Nebraska, North Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin and of course Minnesota.
Is this your first driving gig?
I’ve driven commercial vehicle for close to 30 years. I’ve had my Class B license, with the hazmat and tanker, for quite some time now, but I did just get my Class A late last year. I’ve driven everything from a sedan to deliver pizzas and now driving semi’s around the Midwest.
Have you always lived in Minnesota?
I grew up in Spring Lake Park here in Minnesota. I’ve lived in Minnesota my whole life. I have 3 children, and then of course there is my “favorite” child, like my children like to tell me, my 3 yr old Weimaraner George.
How did you and your wife meet?
My wife, who is from Nova Scotia, we met on a blind date. That was many years ago.
What is the strangest job you’ve ever had?
I would say delivering pizza. Just strange people that you deliver to sometimes. There was actually one guy that was dressed as a woman and tried to kiss me as my tip. I ended up managing that store.
What are your hobbies outside of work?
I play golf. I love the sport. I wish I would have started earlier, I didn’t know better. I try to golf as much as I can. 8 years ago I won a cruise in a putting contest at Cowboy Jacks. My wife didn’t believe me for a couple of days. I’m also a long distance runner. My typical run is between 3-7 miles, and yes I do run outside in the winter. I’ve done about 8 half marathons and I ran Grandmas Marathon a few years ago. Amazing. One of the best, one of the toughest things I’ve ever done in my life.