Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal
Published October 2019
Order. Pak. Ship. Easy.
ReturnPak: DEA Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal Program
Many residents and businesses have expired or unused pharmaceutical products and don’t know what to do with them.
The Retrofit Companies, Inc. is excited to share with you this cost-effective, environmentally friendly program. Pharmaceutical Waste ReturnPak is designed to help you properly dispose of small quantities of DEA controlled substances (II-V).
Noncompliance with hazardous pharmaceutical waste regulations can result in fines up to $37,500 per day, per incident (ASHP, 2012).
By properly disposing of these products, you are reducing the risk of water contamination in drinking water and groundwater. In addition, regulations require that hazardous waste must be properly identified, stored, transported, treated, disposed and that generators are financially responsible for cleaning up the effects of improper disposal.

ReturnPak makes proper disposal easy
One price includes everything you need:
- Packaging
- Pre-paid shipping from your facility
- Processing and certificates of disposal
Simply order, fill, seal and ship with the pre-paid shipping label. Easy.
Who Can Use These Pre-Paid Containers?
The ReturnPak DEA Pharmaceutical Waste Pails are design for use by DEA registered entities only for the return and disposal of DEA regulated pharmaceuticals. This includes un-used, expired, or off-spec pharmaceuticals, including drugs and medicine

What Can I Place in these Containers?
Approximately 90% of all pharmaceuticals may be placed into the pail, including non-hazardous and toxic pharmaceuticals.
The program can be used to dispose of RCRA DEA and non-hazardous DEA pharmaceutical waste.
What Can’t I Place in these Containers?
DO NOT place Non-Conforming Waste or Incompatible Waste in the container.
Examples of Non-Conforming Waste include: medical waste, bio-hazardous waste including sharps, aerosols, hypodermic needles, infectious materials, blood or bulk body fluids, vaccines, live organisms, hazardous wastes as defined in 40 CFR 262, corrosive pharmaceuticals, oxidizers such as silver nitrate, amyl nitrate, and mercury nitrate, organic peroxides, toxicity characteristic wastes including mercury-containing pharmaceuticals and sodium arsenic…and much more.
For a full list of Non-Conforming Waste or Incompatible Waste, or any questions about this program, please reach out to our Environmental Service experts below or call 800-795-1230.
What Comes in the ReturnPak DEA Pharmaceutical Waste Pail?
- Return Box
- Poly pail
- Poly liner
- Absorbent pad
- Liner tie to seal poly liner
- Three security tape seals
- Instructions and Terms and Conditions
- Return Shipment Authorization Form
- DEA Controlled Substances for Destruction Inventory Form
- Wastestream Info Profile Form
What Size Pail’s are Available?
The DEA Pharmaceutical Waste Pails come in 5 gallon, 2 gallon, and 1 gallon varieties. For more details click below: