Freeborn County – Recycling Event (September)

Published June 2021

Freeborn County, MN – Recycling Event


Albert Lea logo


Accepting: Electronics, Appliances

Location: Freeborn County Fairgrounds, 1031 Bridge Ave, Albert Lea, MN 56007

Time/Date September 24, 2021 – 10am-2pm

Flyer: Freeborn County Collection Event Sept. 2021


TV’s, Monitors, Flat Screens or CRTs – $15 each

Small Electronics – FREE

Console, Projection TV – $20 each

Fridge, Freezer, Dehumidifier, AC unit – $20 each

Vacuum, Printer, Speaker, CPU, Laptop – $3.00 each

Small Kitchen Appliance, Microwave, Toaster – $2.00 each

IMPORTANT! – Please take the following steps to protect yourself and our staff:

  • Maintain social distance. Minimum of 6′ required between all parties.
  • If possible, place waste in your trunk or truck bed.
  • Stay in your vehicle; staff will unload.