TRC has always focused on hiring great people to become part of the TRC family, and now it’s time for you to get to know our employees a little bit better. Beyond their expertise, our team brings a unique mix of backgrounds, hobbies and special skills to the table. Check us out!
Introducing Jeff Glynn
Introducing Jeff Glynn; Jeff has been with TRC for 24 years and has excelled in his role as a Hazardous Waste Hauler, running long truck routes and making friends on the road! Jeff has seen a few different roles at TRC and loves being able to connect with our customers in person and deliver that outstanding customer service that has earned him The Retrofit Companies, Inc. 2018 Employee of the Year.
Jeff is married with 3 children, has a love for watching sports, and loves to golf whenever he has a chance, though he considers himself an “average golfer.” Watch the Employee Spotlight video to learn a little bit more about Jeff.
Jeff Glynn
Name and Title
Jeff Glynn, Hazardous Waste Hauler
Tell Us About Yourself
I’ve been with The Retrofit Companies, Inc. for 24 years; I walked in one day and asked for work and have been here ever since. I’ve done everything here; I started doing electrical work, then moved into the warehouse, and now I’ve been driving truck for them for longer than I can remember.
Have You Always Wanted to Drive Truck?
No, I went to school for Sales & Marketing, so I’m kind of outside the realm of Sales & Marketing, but it’s still customer service. I’ve made some pretty decent friends on the road.
Tell us About Life on the Road.
I’ve seen some crazy things driving down the road. I’ve seen the Weiner Mobile! I see people eating while driving down the road, and some pretty bad accidents in my time; people are crazy. I’ve seen a lot of bad drivers.
Have You Always Lived in Owatonna, MN?
I lived in Lake Tahoe for a few years, lived in Mankato for 5-6 years during college, but I grew up in Blooming Prairie so not far down the road from Owatonna, MN.
What Keeps You Busy Outside of Work?
A lot of soccer. I’m married to my wife April for 20 years, and I have 3 kids. The 2 boys are very involved in soccer, my wife is on the board, so I watch a lot of sports. You become a fan very quickly. I like to play golf whenever I get a chance. I am an average golfer.
What is Something People May Not Know About You?
I’m a little grumpy sometimes; my friends bought me a shirt that says “Angry Elf” on it.
What’s The Most Interesting Job You’ve Ever Had?
I did a milk-route for a little while where I delivered milk door to door. I was the milk man!