News & Updates


Tank Talk: Tank Maintenance and Cleaning Services

To continue to provide the environmental services that our customers need from us. We have recently started promoting our tank cleaning and maintenance services. Tanks can be found in all kinds of buildings, including schools, manufacturing, and any building that, at one point, used a boiler. Some tanks will get used and maintenanced regularly, while […]

April 23, 2017

Interview with Darin at Wausau Supplies : HID to T8 to LED

Central Regional Manager for Wausau Supply Darin at Wausau Supplies has five locations to watch over. He “really appreciates the value of TRC doing a complete job – something you’re going to stand behind, that you’re going to do it the way that we want it, and listen to us. We’ve found that to be true with The Retrofit Companies.”

March 23, 2017

Parking Garage LED Lighting Retrofit Case Study

This parking garage lighting project’s dramatic improvement in lighting came along with $23,634 in utility rebate incentives, plus a Green Business Cost Sharing program from the city of Minneapolis when this client upgraded the aging, inefficient high pressure sodium lighting.

December 23, 2016

Interview with Trent Lowe: Allied Parking LED Retrofit

Recently, we shared a new case study about an LED retrofit project recently completed at Allied Parking’s Gateway ramp located downtown Minneapolis. This facility is unique because the first floor is a layover terminal for MTC buses. Keep reading to find out why Trent felt that working with TRC was different than working with other contractors.

December 23, 2016

2017 Xcel Energy Rebate Updates

Xcel Energy recently shared the 2016/2017 Minnesota Business Rebate structure updates in their newsletter to TRC. Some previously unavailable utility rebate options are now available for LED down light retrofits and for LED screw-in as HID replacements. LED street lighting and area lighting are two Xcel Energy rebate options that are greatly improved for 2017. Keep reading […]

December 23, 2016

Why Invest in a Lighting Study? (Video Interview)

Sweet Harvest facility manager, Brian Pleschcourt talks about his experience with an aging and inefficient lighting system, and tells us how the Lighting Redesign Study process worked for his facility.  Read the interview now. Why did Sweet Harvest decide to replace the lighting in your facility? What were the issues you faced and what were some […]

November 23, 2016

Corporations Step Up to Support Community Ewaste Recycling Collections

Over the span of just ten days, over the course of 5 years, in a town with less than 1,800 residents, one company was able to collect more than 115,000 pounds of waste electronics and appliances as a service to its employees. This waste was diverted from improper disposal or landfilling, and was responsibly recycled. The community collection model has been a staggering success for the worker community at Marvin Windows and Doors.

November 23, 2016

The Surprising Impact of Lighting Redesign

Primary issues with the old lighting, aside from being inefficient and expensive to operate, included cones of light and many shadows within the arena area. The customer began working with The Retrofit Companies to have a new lighting system designed and installed. Consultants from The Retrofit Companies designed a system where interior and exterior metal halide and incandescent fixtures were replaced with new LED fixtures.

October 23, 2016

Linear LED & Other T8 LED Resources

There’s a giant world of information about LED linear tube options, energy efficient lighting, and how to get the most from your retrofit project, but do you really have the time to seek it all out? If you’re like most any professional we’ve met, the answer is no. We give you concise, accurate information in order to make informed business decisions.

September 23, 2016

How Does Hazardous Waste Clean Up Work?

Do you have a room, closet, or cabinet used for chemical storage? Maybe your business has a few old cans of paint, or an entire warehouse aisle of miscellaneous products that sit half-unused year after year, and you’re not really sure how to start getting it all cleaned up safely and responsibly?

September 23, 2016
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